Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Growing up...ish

Well this is awkward isn't it, said I would be here weeks ago.

Well, the thing is a lot has happened. Work happened, Christmas happened, I celebrated staying alive for 22 years, That happened. Then I moved to London, got a new job and had an audition all in the space of 24 hours. You know, When Taylor Swift sang about feeling 22, I never thought she meant the feeling of lugging around suitcases on the tube and having no clue what to do when your kitchen starts filling with water from two places or just being poor in general because I don't really feel that's song worthy to be perfectly honest. But oh well, I am now in my London flat with my friends from uni which feels pretty cool at the moment. It's something I wish I could go back and tell my 11 year old self because even now I don't believe it, but doing something you wanted to do since you were little feels pretty good. Moving to London with little money in your pocket is a terrifying thing to do, and if I'm honest I feel like I'm at university at the moment so I don't think the utter horror and fear of being a grown up has properly hit. It'll probably come when the rent and bills come out next. But as for now, I'm living in one of the cities in the world, with my best friends around me and something interesting happening around every corner so I'm pretty content with my life at the moment.


Now I'm half settled and I actually have things to tell people about I will be around a lot more often I feel. I can feel your excitement from here. 
So! Until next time virtual friends!


Have you got any tips about moving to a new place? have you got any suggestions on things I could go and do in my new city? leave them in the comments below!!