Thursday 30 October 2014

[Thoughtful Thursday] - Money can't buy you friends

Hello you lovely lot!

I was thinking recently about what to write about and I was chatting to my boyfriend who was telling me about his day at work. Now he works at a music venue in London and he was telling me that the other day one of the richest men in world came in, he was by himself in terms of company but he did have his body guards around him. When he arrived he sat at the bar where he remained all night talking to the bar staff. A couple of hours in he tipped all the staff £40 and not long after another friend of mine was getting ready to end her shift and leave with a few others who were also about to finish. When the man realised that some of the staff were about to leave him he started throwing offers at them to stay, £50,£100, £1000 it went up and up, he started saying he would buy them a car if they stayed then it went to "point at a house and I'll buy it for you". These were people he had only met a few hours before.
It makes you think, so many people put so much emphasis on how much money they make, and how rich they want to be. But how much happiness do we sacrifice when we focus on how much money we want to make. This man had more money then many of us well ever earn in our lives, yet I would say if you went through your contacts there would be someone who you could rely on, to cheer you up, to come and see you, people who would be there for you weather you had money or not. We may not be able to buy strangers homes at the drop of a hat, but we have people around us who will be there for us for free, They are there for us because they love being with us. I think that's a pretty special thing we take for granted.

Having friends who will be there for you even if you tell them to dress like they're OAP's, now that's the type of friendship I love. 

 Whats got you thinking this week?

October favorites soon to come!

Speak to you soon!




Monday 29 September 2014

Finding Happiness

Have you ever woken up and felt awful about life and feel completely empty and that your going no where in life? oh come on of course you have.

The reason I ask is because that how most of my week was. If you have looked at my blog before you my recall me being happy about a job that I was offered. It may have only been a little Barista job but I'm saving up for a place in London with my friends and I needed money and I was happy to finally have something to do. But, after starting it I realised, even after the first day, It wasn't going to make me happy. I think gut feelings count for a lot, I think you have them for a reason, and on my very first day I walked out thinking that even though they are paying me if they said I didn't have to go back I wouldn't want to. Whenever I have worked in the past, be it paid or voluntary I was always happy to go in and even do extra time if needed, but this was different. I was soon having midnight panics about going in, being on the brink of tears all by myself whilst at work and in tears as soon as I shut my bedroom door. Then last Saturday I met up with on of my best friends from home, we were having coffee and I was spilling all my work worries and hate on the table for him to endure. After finally shutting up he looked at me and said "What would you do if it was a guy who was making you feel like this and treating you this way?" I told him I would leave him. Suddenly everything became a little clearer and I was putting myself through hell when if it was anything else I would walk away and know I would feel happier. The next day I had the worst shift yet and I realised that that was enough. The job may be okay for someone else but It was making me miserable and I had to leave. So I did, the next day my resignation was handed in.The bad feelings didn't go away straight away though, I felt bad for leaving some of the girls I worked with and the thought of my manager being angry at me terrified me and I have spent time being sad about being back to having no job and feeling invisible to the world. But recently I have had time to reflect on what I was sad about and what it means in the grand scheme of life and the truth is that it wont mean that much. I am 21 and have a head full of dreams and a heart full of love. Just because things aren't going how I like them too now doesn't mean they always will, I am going to have so many more things go on in my life and this is going to be nothing but a lesson when I look back. I am going back to Yoga, back to Reading, back to dreaming and exploring. We have to do what makes us happy and when we aren't happy we have to remind ourselves what counts in the world and how important out worries really are. 

Spent Sunday in a cosy ball with a book, It's the simple things which make you the happiest

Hopefully it won't be too long until I blog again. I have a couple of product reviews up my sleeve so I shall see you then!

What makes you happy? have you had any glittery sparkly moments of clarity this week? share in the comments!

love love love 


Friday 19 September 2014

So your going to Uni...

So, you have got in to university! May I join the crowd of people to who, no doubt, have already given you their congratulations. I am sure by now you have purchased all your cutlery, utensils that you may never use (some you don't know how to use), and had all your goodbye meet ups with friends and the butterflies will probably be making home in your stomach by now too. Although these are all brilliant things and obviously uber exciting I imagine you have worries and doubt in there too. But don't fear I am here to help you with all your fresher needs so listen close!

  1. MAKE YOUR ROOM AS HOMELY AS POSSIBLE-  You have probably been told this a lot but honestly it makes such a difference. This is the room that you will go to when it's cold outside and the only place you want to be is at home on the sofa with a blanket. Make your space your own; posters, photos, plants, fairy lights, Blankets ect. You are given a blank canvas, make it as homely as you can. Even if it means bringing the teddy you had when you were small, sometimes it's just the comfort you need when you are low. 
    My Dorm room on the day I arrived at Uni

  2. KEEP YOUR DOOR OPEN- if only for the first couple of days. When I moved in to halls we all kept our door open we could see each other going down to the car to collect the rest of our stuff and the constant in an out led to us having small hellos and awkward 'too much stuff in the car' jokes with each member of the family. But the little meetings softened the awkwardness of real conversations. When your parents leave you will want someone to talk to, if the door is open then making new friends is so super easy. Someone in my flat and the rest of us were to affraid to knock. (Turns out he was buying us pizza anyway, which is also a good way to make friends FYI)
  3. BE YOURSELF- University is a crazy time in your life and everyone wants to prove themselves. People will go overboard to make themselves popular with their new friends. But remember you can't keep it up for ever, Do what makes you happy. If it means not going out clubbing and instead putting your jammies on, ordering pizza and watching netflix then so be it. You will no doubt find some people who enjoy the same things as you and you will get on like an SU on fire. Don't panic there are best friends for everyone on university campuses.

           4. EAT WELL- My course was 40 hours a week and I would often come home and could not              be bothered to cook something so the trusty super noodles on toast. But trust me when I say,  
           veggies are your friends. It's crazy how much your diet can change your mood, your skin,                    your ability to stay focused. I know it seems obvious but the amount of bugs that go round                  halls is ridiculous and you need 

           5. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE - Getting your first taste of freedom can be brilliant, Going            out when you want, coming home when you want, not having to tell people when you will be              home, its brilliant! but keep your wits about you. There are trouble makers in every town or                city and yours wont be any different. One of my friends got mugged in freshers week because              some guys were saying he was cool and he should go and party with them, they then took his             stuff and left him in a place where he didn't know his way home. I'm not saying this to scare               you but sometimes we need reminding we are not invincible if they seem a bit strange stay                   clear. Simple.
          6. MAKE THE MOST OF IT!- This will be the quickest and best three years of your life. I                 would give anything to go back and I'm sure most people would. I miss the freedom, I miss my          friends, I miss our adventures, I miss the conversations we had when others were in bed and we          took our duvets to the front step to laugh under the stars without waking the house up. Blog it,            Scrap book it, take proper photos and print out. Do all you can to keep the memories alive you            will want them to look back on. Graduation will come up sooner then you think so live it as                much as you can. It's an experience you will never forget

Dress from Asos 
 There will probably be more things to the list but at this moment in time these are the pearls of wisdom I am passing on to my cousin who is leaving for uni on Saturday. 

Do you have any uni survival tips? What do you miss most?



Friday 5 September 2014

BOOTS Rimmel and Real Techniques HAUL!

May I just say I am definitely one to congratulate myself on the small victories of life. If you have read my last post you will know I have been offered a new job so it seemed only fair to give myself a treat...or 4 (Obviously before I have even started and before I have made a penny...logic escapes
me in the cosmetic isles)
So without further ado...


  1. Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge £5.99 - I'm not a massive fan on sponge applicators but I have always loved the Pixiwoo Ladies so I thought I would give it a go. It has three different surfaces for different parts of your face. A flat side for around the eyes and nose, the round edge for the rest of your faces curves and a point on the end to have a concentrated bit for blemishes and the like. Awesome results. BUT in using it once some of the sponge of the end started coming off on the flat side. I'm going to put it down as my error of use though I probably went in to hard.
  2. Rimmel Lasting Finish Nude Foundation  £7.99- This is a new one from rimmel and they have it in medium coverage which is what I have in the white cap or a full coverage which they put a red cap on. I got mine in '200 soft beige' which seems to only be not bad on my skin, It promises 25 hour coverage which I can't really test out because I am never awake for 25 hours solid but it does last the day better then others I've tried
  3. Rimmel Natural Bronzer  £5.99- As it was '2 for £10' on Rimmel products I thought I would have a gander at this bronzer. I've been looking at Matte bronzers for a while so I could use it as a contour powder. The pigmentation of this bronzer is great I only have to put a bit on my brush and it delivers a natural look which lasts the day. It's also water proof which is good for sweaty days and rainy days alike. I chose the shade '021 Sun light' 
  4. Real Techniques Expert Face Brush £9.99- I have been wanting this brush for AGES! I need the set but I need to save up for that so I thought I would start with this one to go with my collection of eye brushes from Real Techniques. I am in love with this brush, I'm 90% sure it contains magic. It makes your foundation buff on so easily and so smooth. I would recommend this brush to any make up lover user!

I am so happy with my little haul this week! Have you used any of these products? is there any others that you reccomend? 

Love Love Love!!!


Monday 1 September 2014

A smile I can't shake off

Since coming home from university I've had to start looking for a job which works around auditions and what ever little jobs I have. to get me back in to the swing of  work I've been volunteering at one of my local charity shop to fill in my time which has been great and SO rewarding! and a nice little break from job hunting because it can be annoyingly monotonous and confidence bashing to say the least. I was lucky that I got my first job the weekend after I turned 16 so I have pretty much always been employed and I even carried on working when I came home in the holidays and being pretty good with money I always had a healthy amount in the bank. But, anyone who has been to university will know that money slips through your fingers like sand. It's not even alcohol as you may even be thinking, it was mainly rent, pizza, theatre, pizza, gym and I might as well face facts more pizza. All things considered though I was still good with money, only going in to my overdraft during the summer months. So now I'm home and jobless I am feeling quite useless and applying for job after job and feeling quite ignored with no replies or just replies saying your not good enough.

That was until this weekend. On Friday I got a call asking if I want to have an interview on Monday for AMT Coffee. Of course I was thrilled for about an hour, until, I started freaking out about what they were going to ask and what if my mind went blank. Of course I was over reacting, with my sister working for the Princes Trust teams I have often gone in and been an interviewer for the young people to practice their interview skills on and being on the other side of the table really gives you an idea of what is good and what is not so good to do in an interview. So on the walk to my interview this morning I was thinking about people I have interviewed before and what I do in auditions and then I remembered what I am always told 'BE YOURSELF!'. So I took a breath and I smiled. I thought 'what if I can do this?' the person who will be interviewing me is human too and we all react to the same thing. Friendliness. We are always told that if you smile the world will smile with you and I believe this is true. Smiling can do the world of difference and when I went in smiling my interviewer was smiling and laughing with me. I left smiling and with a spring in my step and 30 minutes later I had a call saying they would like to offer me the job. So guess what, I am STILL smiling.

I think we take advantage of how brilliant we are sometimes. We have so many set backs in life that we just assume we are only good as people tell us and lets be honest, We don't tell each other enough. Smiling is one of the most simple things we can do and it can do us the world of difference. Life can be bloody tough sometimes and recently I've had some emotional explosions through being away from all my friends from university, realizing that this is the first September since I was 4 I'm not going back in to education, that I don't live 'alone' anymore and I have to abide by my parents house rules again and realizing that I am now what some call an 'Adult '(even the word is awful). But, I forget sometimes they are all good things in a way. I'm lucky to have friends that I miss and that care about me enough to miss me back, I'm lucky to have had a good education in something  I love, I'm lucky to have a strong family and a roof over my head and I'm lucky that I have made it to adulthood because a lot of little ones aren't so lucky and I am ridiculously clumsy. But life isn't so bad and smiling isn't so hard. So why don't we do more living and smiling?

Whats made you smile recently? do you know how awesome you are?

Love Love Love


Saturday 30 August 2014

There is mud, it was was tough mudder

Earlier on this year my friends boyfriend signed up for tough mudder and as awful as it looked to be part of it. At first it was just a thought to my self which I thought if mentioned I would be the only person willing to do it. But I was wrong, really wrong. The friend whose boyfriend had completed it was actually the first to throw in the idea and soon everybody wanted to do it. With everyone's enthusiasm at it's peak we all signed up to tough mudder midlands, which at the time was only 3 months away. Now can I just say we are all relatively fit but not crazy fit like we probably should have been considering we were going to run 12 miles and obstacle course. I was in a group of 9 and was one of 3 girls and me and the girls were probably one of the less fit of them all. But we had paid now and all that was left was to do the best we could.
kiss the mud, so many rocks, so many cuts

The day came round much faster then we anticipated which is probably because we were trying to put it off which is normally how things go in the world when you don't want things to happen. During the amazing warm up which they get everyone to do we had a look round at the people who we were setting off with, I then caught the eye of one of my friends who just said 'we're gunna die aren't we'. She had a point. Me and one of the other girls have a talent for clumsiness and we didn't need a military style obstacle course to make us fall on our face and injure ourselves we are quite capable of doing that whilst trying to complete everyday tasks. It was daunting to say the least but we went for it none the less and we completed it. I didn't do all the obstacles due to my Claustrophobia (it's the devil) I tried but every time I started to get closer to it so did my panic attack, on the Boa constrictor I had to go to the medical tent because I went completely numb and couldn't control my breathing but I wasn't going to stop and it was mile 9 so I carried on running. Now may I just say that Everest is as awful as it sounds. I met a guy there who was a tank and his muscles just made it worse because he was so heavy but you should have heard the cheers when he finally got up. I got up on the fourth attempt but the most awkward way possible i was being held upside down by my friends boyfriend and my boyfriend was sat on his legs. It was something to see I am sure. but we all made it up, and we all finished which was amazing.
Running through Electric shock therapy...the pain on my face is real

If any of you are thinking of doing tough mudder I really urge you to do it. The atmosphere is insane, everyone helped eachother and its just a really awesome experience because you are all going through it together and you all need someone else to help you through it. But what ever you do, do it. I plan to do it again once I get over my injuries from this time around.
My team 'Here for the beer' at the finish line

As you can probably tell this is my first blog, I plan to keep doing it and maybe move to videos on Youtube and maybe broadcasts on YouNow but I am gunna start slowly and see how I get on. I'm just trying to get all my thoughts down on what happens in my life. So if you want to follow that would be great to see everyone elses blogs and videos and make some friends around here.
Love love love

Friday 29 August 2014

Now on Bloglovin

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