Monday, 1 September 2014

A smile I can't shake off

Since coming home from university I've had to start looking for a job which works around auditions and what ever little jobs I have. to get me back in to the swing of  work I've been volunteering at one of my local charity shop to fill in my time which has been great and SO rewarding! and a nice little break from job hunting because it can be annoyingly monotonous and confidence bashing to say the least. I was lucky that I got my first job the weekend after I turned 16 so I have pretty much always been employed and I even carried on working when I came home in the holidays and being pretty good with money I always had a healthy amount in the bank. But, anyone who has been to university will know that money slips through your fingers like sand. It's not even alcohol as you may even be thinking, it was mainly rent, pizza, theatre, pizza, gym and I might as well face facts more pizza. All things considered though I was still good with money, only going in to my overdraft during the summer months. So now I'm home and jobless I am feeling quite useless and applying for job after job and feeling quite ignored with no replies or just replies saying your not good enough.

That was until this weekend. On Friday I got a call asking if I want to have an interview on Monday for AMT Coffee. Of course I was thrilled for about an hour, until, I started freaking out about what they were going to ask and what if my mind went blank. Of course I was over reacting, with my sister working for the Princes Trust teams I have often gone in and been an interviewer for the young people to practice their interview skills on and being on the other side of the table really gives you an idea of what is good and what is not so good to do in an interview. So on the walk to my interview this morning I was thinking about people I have interviewed before and what I do in auditions and then I remembered what I am always told 'BE YOURSELF!'. So I took a breath and I smiled. I thought 'what if I can do this?' the person who will be interviewing me is human too and we all react to the same thing. Friendliness. We are always told that if you smile the world will smile with you and I believe this is true. Smiling can do the world of difference and when I went in smiling my interviewer was smiling and laughing with me. I left smiling and with a spring in my step and 30 minutes later I had a call saying they would like to offer me the job. So guess what, I am STILL smiling.

I think we take advantage of how brilliant we are sometimes. We have so many set backs in life that we just assume we are only good as people tell us and lets be honest, We don't tell each other enough. Smiling is one of the most simple things we can do and it can do us the world of difference. Life can be bloody tough sometimes and recently I've had some emotional explosions through being away from all my friends from university, realizing that this is the first September since I was 4 I'm not going back in to education, that I don't live 'alone' anymore and I have to abide by my parents house rules again and realizing that I am now what some call an 'Adult '(even the word is awful). But, I forget sometimes they are all good things in a way. I'm lucky to have friends that I miss and that care about me enough to miss me back, I'm lucky to have had a good education in something  I love, I'm lucky to have a strong family and a roof over my head and I'm lucky that I have made it to adulthood because a lot of little ones aren't so lucky and I am ridiculously clumsy. But life isn't so bad and smiling isn't so hard. So why don't we do more living and smiling?

Whats made you smile recently? do you know how awesome you are?

Love Love Love


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